Fit to Finer Virtual 5K Registration opens November 1, 2021
In Celebration of National Take a Hike Day, Omega Kappa Zeta Chapter is hosting its a FREE 5K.
You can run, walk, or hike to meet the challenge. You can take a walk with Friends, Hike the beautiful trails our Nation has to offer, or take laps around your home.
The 5K will take place on 11/13/2021 at Oak Grove Regional Park, 4520 W Eight Mile Road, Stockton, CA 95206
Each registered participant will receive a FREE e-bib for their participation (please complete the registration form to receive your e-bib by email) .
If you are unable to join us for the in person event, that's ok, you may participate in your local area and share photos of yourself on the hike on our Facebook event at
No matter how you do it... #takeahike
**This is a FREE event to promote fitness through our Zetas Have Heart Z-HOPE initiative**