More than 4 million women in this country have become addicted to drugs or alcohol. It is a difficult decision for a woman to go into treatment, and many times they have hit rock bottom before they ever set foot in a treatment center.
The ladies of Omega Kappa Zeta, partnered with a local substance abuse program who treats woman in a homelike environment. Many of these women walked in with just the clothes on their back and a broken spirit. The residential treatment facility offers:
The ladies of Omega Kappa Zeta, partnered with a local substance abuse program who treats woman in a homelike environment. Many of these women walked in with just the clothes on their back and a broken spirit. The residential treatment facility offers:
- Individual and group counseling
- Substance abuse education
- Family education
- Parenting education and counseling
- Mindfulness groups
- Access to treatment for issues such as domestic violence and sexual abuse
- Relapse prevention